Legal Information

This website contains images, trademarks and trade dress protected under the copyright and trademark and other laws of the USA and other countries.

Any and all unauthorized altercation, transmission, reproduction, distribution and/or display of the same may subject you to severe civil and/or criminal penalties as provided by the law.

Aloha Hawaii Lei® Girl with Leis photo and the Hibiscus and Fern logo are registered trademarks of Trade West Inc., Honolulu.

All product designs are copyright various dates between 1978 - 2013, are registered directly in USA, as well as many in China, Hong Kong and Japan and are subject to worldwide protection under the Berne Convention.

All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproductions are prohibited and may result in fines up to $150,000 as well as criminal prosecution.

© Trade West Inc.

Honolulu, Hawaii 96817